Mine is a commission of and from GOD! Religion should be for peace and about peace. And as I have often said, I am not a politician, but sent by my God to participate in the shaping of what I call decent, meaningful, intelligent and intelligible democratic process that will chart the path of good governance for everyone in Nigeria. Any politician that comes up with intelligent and intelligible idea of shaping good governance at any particular instant of time will receive my blessing. That is, I will not be shy or afraid to applaud or critique such an individual. And what’s more, I will literally work with him or her because it will be obvious from the methodology of such a one that they are in politics for the good and benefit of every Tom, Dick and Harry in the country.
What a great day in Nigeria that will be? And that is where I and my company are going. Remember one of my sayings: “Ideas rule the world through the people of ideas.” I rely totally on the God Who has given me the Commission to feed me with the knowhow! Let me state clearly, my Commission of and from God is two-fold: Sacred and Secular. All am doing since I launched my book is Secular… Business in the name of my company, as you see up there.
The sacred aspect is yet to be launched into action during the coming year, by the permission of the God of Creation. We can now get down to the crux of the matter: the position, power and role of Religion in developing the country. I don’t know any nation on this Planet Earth where they don’t practise a religion of a kind. Religions in their various shapes and forms are woven. We N eed R e l i g i o n. W e Need G od.
Remember I am writing in English. And in that language, we have two ways of representing this individual: God and gods! And characteristically, those representations have brought what I call rivalry, envy, competition; no need for them, though. At this stage I need to state further the objective of this essay. And that objective is the role and the importance our religion or our God, god play in our politics or lives. Practitioners of each and every religion want to carry their God, god along with them in their politics.
There is nothing bad or wrong with that; as long as you run good governance in all aspects of that concept. When they come to the political field, their differentiations become irritatingly pronounced. We must guard against that. Accept the truth and the fact; the government of this world is not the government of the God we all accept as the Creator of the Universe. The God of Creation can approve Governance of here and now to some extent; but Satan is in charge of this world. It matters not whoever runs it; till the Eternity comes on the stage. Don’t make a mis-conception, the rulers of this world are not satanic; not at all! Never, never you dare misread me. Let’s live by the saying of the Founder of my religion: “By their fruits you shall know them.” Wherever you see me or my picture, don’t just jump to the conclusion that I am a Christian and as such I am only interested in Christianity. You are totally wrong in your presumption. I love everybody; my religion teaches me to do that and empowers me do so. And of course, the Sacred Arm of my Commission will take care of that. Stop waiting and watching, just come along.
Further; purpose of this Essay is to enlighten the people that religion should not be a bone of contention when it comes to governing. What should be the pursuit of any ruler; be it political or traditional should be Good Governance. That will inspire God’s pleasure and blessing. That takes great doing, though! Religiously speaking, humanity has fallen out of the favour and grace of God.
When you are a politician, you are at liberty to choose and practise any of the following and even if you know any other: Islam, Christianity, which I call the full name of Judaeo-Christianity; Traditional Faith or even Atheism and Agnosticism. You can come into your politics in any of them; and nobody who understands what we are talking about should question you. Any religion or non-religion can do good service to the nation that God the Creator will give it a smile of approval.
Mark you though, that does not open the door of the Kingdom of God to you. Have you been quoted: “The powers that be are ordained of God?” It is easy to give wrong interpretation of that blessed statement. Let’s leave that for the future. I have to say that what I am dealing with here now can only be fully captured in my yet to write book: Direction of Travel Divine Assignment. Also, please excuse me for my appearing to be talking of my religion alone. I am fully sorry, I can only illustrate what I know, understand and believe. And I say pleasantly to you that you too can do likewise. I am going to give you more of it; please, bear with me.
In the Old Testament religion of the Jews, i.e. Judaism, God had to use a pagan king in the process of rebuilding His destroyed Temple in Jerusalem. Read the sayings of the God of Judaeo-Christianity (The God of Jewish people) here:
“Now in the first year of Cyrus King of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfiled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus King of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his Kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying, Thus saith Cyrus King of Persia, The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Who is there among you of all his people? His God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah, and build the house of the Lord God of Israel (he is the God,) which is in Jerusalem. Ezra. 1 v 1-3.
If you are biblically inclined you may read the whole chapter. The then Kingdom of Persia is today’s Iran, but no more a Kingdom. King Cyrus was even told by 3 4 God that he did not know God but God has chosen him to carry out a duty for him (God). God is a God of peace and He will go any length to establish peace in His world. That is why we Christians or Judaeo-Christians can’t wait to get into the Kingdom of our God, our Father; where and when, we will all live in a world of peace.
It is characteristic of religiosity to be confusing and controversial. That needs not to be if humanity will take serious steps to understand what any religion is saying and teaching. We will definitely get through all that in the assignment God has given me to handle. I will just ask us to be truthful and sincere with our religiosity. Otherwise, we will just be beating about the bush till the world will come to an end. Believe it or not, that is going to happen! And those who have been reading me for years will remember me saying: We are into a new world, a new world order, a new way of running our world. We are into a dispensation of a kind in God’s scheme of things.
Summarising: If you see me with my Christian religious title, given to me by non-other than Jesus Christ Himself, a garb which looks religious, or an inscription of my book, presently; don’t be nervous or prejudiced, check my particular Mission; at that point in time. I am not on my Mission to force any religion on anybody. The Lord God of my religion, when He came to the Earth did not force Judaeo-Christianity on anybody. Why should I? Anybody can take to politics and make a good job of it; particularly in Nigeria! But for now, such people or individuals are a rarity. Let’s use our Religion to bring Good Governance without even necessarily becoming politicians. I call it cultural revolution! It is a daunting task, though. Nevertheless, we will do it!
By Moses Owolabi @TheGuardian
Owolabi, a chief executive, can be reached via E-mail: mosesaowolabi39@gmail.com